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Evolutions of 2024

Evolutions of 2024

Radical Revolution


  1. Evolution of AI, automation
  2. Evolution of financial markets
  3. Evolution of employment market 
  4. Evolution of political arena
  5. Evolution of nature forces 
  6. Evolution of businesses / consumer markets 


 Impact of Evolutions 

  1. Speed  radical and merciless of evolution 
  2. Unexpected, sudden, disruptions, forced, losses, fear, stress  uncertainties, unpredictability 
  3. Preparedness vs Delusion》 Emotionally, Financially , Physically 
  4. Readiness degree 》Adaptability vs Evolvement


Evolvement to Financial / Economics / Money Market 

  1. Global Inflation 
  2. Global Interest Rate Hike 
  3. Global Unemployment 
  4. Global bankruptcy 
  5. Global Currency Devaluation, debts loans non repayment 
  6. Appreciation of Assets slowed, halted, halved 
  7. Digital Currency evolutions 

CTA Mission 

Cash is King 》 Why?

Cash War 

Strategies to adopt: 

Flexibility to cash flows 

Combat all hikes non favoured 

Shopping Spree 


Secure Reserve 

Decentralised economy 

Tenur: 20 years 

So, whats your options to acquire and retain cash? 

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