Evolutions of 2024
Radical Revolution
- Evolution of AI, automation
- Evolution of financial markets
- Evolution of employment market
- Evolution of political arena
- Evolution of nature forces
- Evolution of businesses / consumer markets
Impact of Evolutions
- Speed radical and merciless of evolution
- Unexpected, sudden, disruptions, forced, losses, fear, stress uncertainties, unpredictability
- Preparedness vs Delusion》 Emotionally, Financially , Physically
- Readiness degree 》Adaptability vs Evolvement
Evolvement to Financial / Economics / Money Market
- Global Inflation
- Global Interest Rate Hike
- Global Unemployment
- Global bankruptcy
- Global Currency Devaluation, debts loans non repayment
- Appreciation of Assets slowed, halted, halved
- Digital Currency evolutions
CTA Mission
Cash is King 》 Why?
Cash War
Strategies to adopt:
Flexibility to cash flows
Combat all hikes non favoured
Shopping Spree
Secure Reserve
Decentralised economy
Tenur: 20 years
So, whats your options to acquire and retain cash?